Monday, September 7, 2009

Intolerable Beauty: Portraits of American Mass Consumption

Found this guy while researching, his work is worth a look; deals with excessive consumption, and some of the environmental issues regarding waste and so-called necessary "upgrades" of technology and such.


  1. i just wrote a long and wonderful post that disappeared into the twillight zone.

    can't do it again, but will say these are great photographs.

  2. Amazing work. Definitely worth spreading because of the message Chris Jordan is trying to portray to the world. He raises a good point that I agree with. It is true that we will only fully realize the entirety of any subject if it is presented to us in its most direct form instead of unattractive statistics.

    You should check out the lecture of Dr.Albert A. Bartlett on 'Arithmetic, Population and Energy' on youtube:
